The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has introduced the Canadian Forces Housing Differential (CFHD), replacing the Post Living Differential (PLD). CFHD is a monthly payment designed to help CAF members secure suitable housing across Canada. Rates are adjusted annually to reflect the economic situation and vary based on location and salary.

For 2024, 24 locations saw an rate increase greater than 10%. The updated CFHD rates are effective from 1 July 2024 and are now live. Eligible CAF members who have not previously applied for CFHD are encouraged to review their entitlements.

In This Article:

• Understanding Your PPLD and CFHD Rates

• Examples of Changes in Select Locations

• What’s Next

• Related Links


Understanding Your PPLD and CFHD Rates

The Provisional Post-Living Differential (PPLD) was introduced to reduce financial stress on CAF members transitioning from PLD to CFHD. It is a temporary benefit for those whose CFHD monthly payment is less than what they were originally receiving under PLD or Transitional Post Living Differential (TPLD). Unlike CFHD, PPLD monthly payments are adjusted and paid automatically.


CAF members are advised to refer to both CFHD and PPLD to:

• Verify their individual calculations and payments.

• Confirm which caveats apply to their individual circumstances, especially if circumstances change.


On 1 April 2024, members will receive an economic increase, which could result in a change to their CFHD rates.

The monthly amount of PPLD is calculated by the following formula:

{(A * B) – C}


A is the monthly PLD or TPLD rate the member was entitled to on 30 June 2023.

B is the applicable percent for the period indicated:

     • 75%, 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.

     • 50%, 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

     • 25%, 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026.

C is the member’s CFHD monthly amount (as determined by CBI 205.453(5)).


Reminder: On 1 July 2024, CAF members whose CFHD exceeds 50% of their PLD/Transitional Post Living Differential (TPLD) amount will not receive PPLD. Monthly PPLD will decrease incrementally from July 2023 to June 2026. On 1 July 2026, PPLD payments will stop.

Examples of Changes in Select Locations

Note: Many variables comprise a person’s CFHD rate (pay rate, posting status, living situation, etc.). Below are a few examples only. Please check the tables on the web page and/or speak with your OR to confirm your individual rate.

Rate Changes

CFHD Rates Table:

CFHD Page 1 of 4
CFHD Page 2 of 4
CFHD Page 3 of 4
CFHD Page 4 of 4

What’s Next

CFHD rates are updated annually to ensure alignment with the most up-to-date rental costs across Canada. Both CFHD and PPLD payments assist in ensuring CAF members and their families can find suitable housing, no matter where they are posted. For more information, please speak with your chain of command, visit your OR, and check out the related links below.

Related Links

Canadian Forces Housing Differential –

Canadian Forces Housing Differential Feedback Form –

Compensation and Benefits Instructions –

Form Search – Defence Forms Catalogue (DFC) (

Provisional Post Living Differential –

Provisional Post-Living Differential Frequently Asked Questions –

Chapter 205 – Allowances for Officers and Non-Commissioned Members –